21 JULY 2018
Purely Adoptions team members were filled with enthusiasm and determination on the morning of 21 July, 2018. After knowing that Uncle Heng is hospitalised, team members Adeline, Jeannie and Irene have been feeding the dogs in the jungle. However, Uncle Heng informed us that there are 2 cute puppies that needed to be rescued.
We met at 7.30am, carrying along with us cooked food, canned food, bottles of clean water and a blue drum to our feeding area. We trekked into the forest, eager to meet the hungry dogs once again. They greeted us with happiness, barking with joy as they know they will have their breakfast soon.

After feeding the adult dogs, we proceeded to search for the puppies. We saw them after walking a distance, but they quickly hid into a tunnel once they caught sight of us. This "shelter" is actually an abandoned old tentage which is smelly, dirty and difficulty to access. We stood by the entrance and kept a look out to make sure that the puppies do not run out while we wait for reinforcement.

Thank you Joanne for sponsoring the fees for the dog trappers. The professional dog trappers sprang into action, crawling into the tunnel and cornering the puppies shortly after reaching. It was no easy task rescuing these two puppies; they had to pull them from the tunnel and got bitten by the puppies in the process. We really took our hats off to them for their professionalism and persistence, which paid off as the pups were caught ultimately. The puppies however, were dirty, stinky and shaking in fear.

Next action we took was to clean them up. We called our friends who are groomers and asked for help. Special thanks to Karen from Petronize for helping us to groom and detick the puppies. Following that, it was a visit to the vet. We ran the blood test, tested negative for tick fever etc.
In the midst of tidying up the pups, we scrambled for fosterers to the puppies. In a mad rush, we called up fosterers whom we know. Finally, Kent Kent agreed to help us with fostering. It was 5pm by then and she kindly prepared the enclosed space with bedding and water while waiting for the rescued puppies.

We had also named our cute and freshly groomed puppies. The cream one is called Yoyo & Black and Tan one Yoshi. After seeing the puppies settling down in the clean and pristine environment, we called Uncle Heng and inform him of good news.
Purely Adoptions is really proud of our team members, as well as every others who had helped along the way, including the dog trappers, groomers at Petronize and the Vets at Mount Pleasant Veterinary Group and Kent Kent the fosterers. We have change the destiny and life of both Yoshi and Yoyo.
Kent Kent updated us on Yoshi and Yoyo the next day and we are glad to see them doing well on their first night at the fosterer's place.

The 3 months old Yoyo and Yoshi learnt to play with toys and seek human attention while at the fosterer's place. They are a lovely pair of siblings and we quickly put them up for adoption. However, we were not sure if they are HDB approved as they are still young.
A few days later on 30 July 2018, a family stepped up to enquire about Yoyo and seeing how close the 2 siblings are, could not bear to separate them. The potential adopter decided to thus take both of them on trial homestay and kept the option of adopting both open.

Initially, the 2 siblings were trembling with fear and not very trusting of humans. Mr and Mrs Teo were unable to touch them but they did not give up. They engaged a professional dog trainer and we were glad that their love and devotion won the trust of Yoshi and Yoyo as time passes. We received updates from the potential adopter on 27 August 2018 and was happy to see both siblings doing so well.

On 1 September 2018, Mr and Mrs Teo made the decision to formally adopt Yoshi and Yoyo. From living in the forest and foraging for food and water everyday to being surrounded with abundant food, treats and toys; their life took a drastic change.
Mr and Mrs Teo were not Purely Adoptions followers and they got to know us when they received a forwarded whatapp adoption post from their animal lover friend Cecilia. It was a beautiful miracle for these puppies and we are really thankful to Mr and Mrs Teo and Kenneth for accepting these homeless puppies into their family.

Mr and Mrs Teo, you have saved these puppies who were left to their own device when they lost their parents in the forest. We would also like to thank Fosterer Ken Kent and Volunteers Adeline, Jeannie and Irene for notifying us of the puppies in the forest (These 3 beautiful ladies are still helping Stray Feeder Uncle Heng to feed his dogs as he is still recuperating from his fall).
Purely Adoptions will continue to work hard in return for all the support we receive.
23 JULY 2018
3mth Yoyo (cream, female) and 3mth Yoshi (black, male) are doing well at fostere's place after rescued from the forest that Uncle Heng feed. They are learning to play with toys and seeking human attention. A lovely pair of siblings. They are up for adoption. As they are still young, we are not sure if they are hdb approved. To adopt them, pls contact 90018848 (PurelyWoof). Pls share the post.
27 AUGUST 2018
Sometime back, we rescued Yoyo and Yoshi from the forest stray feeder Uncle Heng feed. Both siblings were trembling with fear and don't trust human. 1 mth later at potential adopter's place, they became more approachable and trusting. Its good to see both siblings doing so well. We will keep everyone posted on their progress at potential adopter's place.

Happy to receive the latest update of Yoyo and Yoshi. They were the 2 puppies rescued from Uncle Heng Forest. To read about their rescue tales, pls check out https://purelyadoptions.com/rescue_tales/2018-yoyo-and-yoshi/
Thank you Mrs Teo for the updates 🙂 The siblings are fortunate to have met you.
