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Uncle Heng Forest

19 JULY 2018

Stray Feeder Uncle Heng ( fell down and is in hospital at the moment. Our volunteers Irene, Adeline and Jeannie heard about his fall and decided to take the initiative to feed his dogs up at the hill. As Uncle Heng always cook the food in the little hut up at the hill using primitive ways, our volunteers have not choice but to cook the food at home and carry the heavy cooked food up the hill. When our volunteers visited him at the hospital, he is very concerned about the dogs up the hill and asked if anyone is feeding the dogs. He will be hospitalised for 3 weeks until further notice. He hopes to appeal for canned food for his dogs so our volunteers can bring up the hill. If you like to sponsor canned food for his dogs, you can buy at ,, (subsidised rate - indicate its for Uncle Heng at checkout and it will be sent to the volunteer's house directly) or your usual pet shop. Do whatapp us at 90018848 and we will collect from you. Thank you for your kind donations. Pls share the post.

Our lovely volunteers took a video to show stray feeder Uncle Heng that his dogs are being fed when they visited him at the hospital. Kudos to our lovely angels Irene, Adeline, Jeannie, Ryan and friends.

Stray Feeder Uncle Heng fell down and is in hospital at the moment. Our volunteers Irene, Adeline and Jeanne heard about his fall and decided to take the initiative to feed his dogs up at the hill. As Uncle Heng always cook the food in the little hut up at the hill using primitive ways, our volunteers have not choice but to cook the food at home and carry the heavy cooked food up the hill. When our volunteers visited him at the hospital, he is very concerned about the dogs up the hill and asked if anyone is feeding the dogs. He will be hospitalised for 3 weeks until further notice. He hopes to appeal for canned food for his dogs so our volunteers can bring up the hill. If you like to sponsor canned food for his dogs, you can buy at ;,

(at subsidised rate) or your usual pet shop. Do whatapp us at 90018848 and we will collect from you. Thank you for your kind donations. Pls share the post.

22 JULY 2018

Purely Adoptions team members are filled with enthusiasm and determination this morning. After knowing Uncle Heng is hospitalised, team members Adeline and Jeannie and Irene have been feeding the dogs in the jungle. However, Uncle Heng informed us that there are 2 cute puppies that need to be rescued.

Early morning, 730am we meet up, carrying cooked food, canned food, bottles of clean water and a blue drum to our feeding area. We trek into the forest, eager to meet the hungry dogs once again. They greeted us with happiness, barking with joy as they know they will have breakfast soon.

After feeding the adult dogs, we proceed to search for the puppies. Walk a distance and saw them, however as soon as they see us they hide into a tunnel. This “shelter” is actually an old Tentage which was abandoned. It’s smelly, dirty and difficult to access. We watched over the entrances to make sure the puppies do not run out. More reinforcement is coming.

When professional dog trappers come, they spring into action, crawl into the tunnel and corner the puppies. They have to pull the puppies from the tunnel, get bitten in the process. Really salute them, they persisted and finally catch the pups in the net. They are dirty, smelly and shaking in fear.

Next action is to clean them up. We call our friends who are groomers and ask for help. Special thanks to Karen from Petronize for helping us to groom and detick the puppies. Following that, it’s a visit to the vet. We ran the blood test, tested negative for tick fever etc.

We scramble for fosterers to help to foster the puppies. In a mad rush, we call up our fosterers who we know. Finally, Kent Kent agrees to help us with fostering. At the fosterer place it’s already 5pm. She prepared the enclosed space with bedding and water for our rescued puppies.

We also given names to our cute and freshly groomed puppies. The cream one is called Yoyo & Black and Tan one Yoshi. After seeing the puppies settling down in the clean and pristine environment, we called Uncle Heng and inform him of good news. ......

29 JULY 2020

On several occasions, we met up with stray feeder Uncle Heng, when he was in hospital and after he has been discharged. We like to thank all donors for your generous donations to Uncle Heng.

This Sun afternoon we met up with Uncle Heng at his house. The first question he asked was how the dogs are doing, whether they are eating well etc. He is really a compassionate and caring man. For 20 plus years he has been feeding these dogs, rain or shine, also on public holidays.

We decided to do a short video of him thanking all of you for your support and donation of money and canned food.

Dennise Neo $200

Fannie Lew $54

Xu Kai Ting $100

Becan m Jam $150

Tan Soo Ping $30

Magdelene Heng Bak Heng $200

Jacinta Goh $100

Julia Yeoh $100

Charles $66

To know more about Uncle Heng Stray Feeder, pls visit


An update with Uncle Heng dogs.

The life of stray feeder is no simple task. Feeder has to cook, feed and make sure that the dogs are safe.

We have encountered several mysterious death during our feeding. After several weeks of daily feeding, with Adeline, Jeannie, Irene & Erical, Karen, we have gain the trust of these dogs and they accepted us. When we meet them, they will wag their tails and follows us, knowing that home prepared food will be served to them.

We are able to touch some of them and get closer to them. There are several objectives to gain their trust. Firstly, after we are able to be close with them, we will be able ho trap and neuter them. Secondly, we will like to rehome them to good families to care for them.

Our hopes has been dashed and destroyed when Creamy mysteriously disappeared for a few days. After 3 days, we found him laying on the grass and he has died. He has been healthy n active and we are puzzled what has happened.

On Friday, while feeding the dogs, we found a black cat died mysteriously again. This time there are 2 punctured holes at the back of of the cat. The dead cat body was filled with saliva, damp and wet. It’s as though a snake has swallow it n spit it out.

Our curiosity grew, we are really puzzled and became very frightened. We are worried for the safety of our dogs. Our fear amplified when Karen witness Gao bu barking at a spitting cobra. This is so dangerous, for the venom from a cobra can blind the dog and kill the dog.

We had to do something. We are determine to clean up the surrounding area for our Uncle Heng dogs. We needed to keep the place clean, get rid of the rats, and the snakes. We brought sulphur powder, cinnamon sticks, mint plant, spray alcohol to keep snakes away.

This morning, we have a Mission, to clean up the surrounding area. There have been so much rubbish, so many canvas, rats faeces and ants. We worked hard for 3 hours, clearing up the rubbish. Also we engage dog trapper as we want to trap n spay the dogs there. Trapping cost is $250, sterilisation is about $350, and boarding after the operations also needs money.

2 AUGUST 2018

We do hear people say how fierce and dangerous stray dogs are. Infact they are no difference from our domesticated pets except they need some time to get to know and trust us.

Our volunteers Adeline @abbie_yuki_yumi_miki_mika, Jeannie @styleash_singapore and Irene have been feeding Uncle Heng's dogs in the forest since he fell down few weeks ago. At first, all the dogs in the forest were wary of these 3 ladies, keeping a distance from them and barking as they entered the forest. Few weeks have passed and the dogs' attitude have changed. Infact, they seems to be pinning for the ladies' arrival, waiting and smiling when they catch glimpse of them. Today, one dog came close to Adeline for food. They learned to love and trust these lovely ladies.

If you ask why we love dogs so much, the answer is because they are so simple, geninue and pure. The world is very simple to them - if you love me, I will love you too 🙂 Thank you Adeline, Jeannie and Irene for the great effort in feeding Uncle Heng's forest dogs! You ladies are the real Wonder Women!

12 OCTOBER 2018

This is "Gaobu" ("Mother of Dogs - Alfa Dog) at Uncle Heng's forest escorting Stray Feeder Adeline and Jeannie from the bottom of the hill to the feeding ground (Uphill) every morning. Don't you feel happy watching the video? Gaobu looks like she is very proud to bring the 2 angels back to her 'village' and happily announced their arrival. Being the bravest among the rest of the dogs (that's why Uncle Heng named her GaoBu), she is always there to protect the rest of the dogs and she is the one who informed the stray feeders of the cobra. Kudos to Adeline, Jeannie, Irene and Karen for taking turns to feed the dogs at the forest.

At Purely Adoptions, we try our best to support as many stay feeders as possible. For this year Easter Food Donations, we didn't managed to meet our yearly donations target but we still continue to send the rice to all the feeders. Apart from that, we have also included new feeders such as Adeline @ Tuas, Winny and friends @ Penjuru. We hope more people can come forward to help us support these feeders.

If you like know more about stray feeder and how they feed, pls visit

If you like to help the stray feeders, pls visit

Let's come together to help these homeless strays out there. They are just like our home dogs and they deserve the same love and concern as our home pet.

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