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9 APRIL 2020

On 9 April, Purely Adoptions received an urgent appeal for help from stray feeders for a dog they had found with a wound which was infected with maggots. This stray dog, Sunday, was found around Yishun dam and stray feeders noticed a foul smell from his body and a gaping wound on the back of his neck.

In desperation, they approached Irene from Purely Adoptions, Richson and wife Sharon for help to rescue Sunday. The injury and foul smell were severe with the maggot infestation beginning to eat into his flesh and muscles.

In an attempt to rescue Sunday, the rescuers tried to lure him into a coral, but after several days this was unsuccessful, and they began to try and search for him. He was helpless and unable to fend for himself, getting weaker by the day as the maggots ate into his flesh. The rescuers felt helpless and particularly eager to get Sunday into safety as soon as possible.

On the evening of 9 April, both rescuer and Irene sprang into action to rescue Sunday. While Sunday was food-motivated and would come close to eat, he remained cautious and weary, maintaining a distance.

After an hour of waiting, Sunday approached the food used to lure him out and both the rescuer and Irene came out of the corner they were hiding in and quickly closed the coral door fencing. At that time, Sunday had already gone without food for two days and was extremely hungry. He was transferred to the vet for urgent medical treatment, especially for his badly infested maggot wound.

11 APRIL 2020

Sunday was transferred to Furiends Vet and a last-minute call was made to Dr Kitty to treat Sunday when he was brought in. After multiple thorough washes of the wound to clean out the maggots, Sunday was able to rest well and looked alert just two days later on 11 April. In the good hands of Dr Kitty and with the support of many donors, Sunday was able to sleep soundly as he began to recover.

16 APRIL 2020

Good to see latest updates on Sunday, the wounded dog which we rescued recently. Sunday is still at the clinic receiving treatment. He has good appetitie but is still apprehensive when approached by human. Untouchable at the moment. Our priority now is to let his wound heal first. Get well soon Sunday!

18 APRIL 2020

Despite, Sunday receiving treatment, he remained understandably apprehensive towards humans. He remained at the clinic for more than a week. While the team was eager to get him accustomed to human interaction, the first priority was giving him and the wound time to heal and recover. However, his appetite remained good and he was able to move around the clinic twice a day.

25 APRIL 2020

On 25 April, we received an update that while Sunday’s wound would take some time to fully recover, it was getting smaller and healing well. Thanks to the work of the team at Furiends Veterinary, Sunday slowly began to accept human touch as they attempted to socialise him and give him his daily walk.

During his time at the clinic, his greatest companion was the clinic’s cat Xiao Xiao and he was truly gentle towards Xiao Xiao even though he remained apprehensive to some humans. His guardian angel Nick also took great care of him during his stay at the clinic.

27 APRIL 2020

On 27 April, we put out an appeal for a fosterer as his wound was healing well and he could be discharged soon. We were unable to put him up at commercial boarding as our bills were running high and unfortunately our donations remain low. These were all compounded by the circuit breaker period in Singapore, making it harder to find a suitable dog fosterer.

Sunday is a big dog and is not HDB approved, is selective with who he is willing to connect with and at times is unpredictable. However, once he is able to build trust with an individual, he is obedient and manageable. We placed an urgent appeal for an experienced dog fosterer to meet these needs with no dogs or cats at home due to Sunday’s potentially unpredictable nature.



6 MAY 2020

Sunday made a steady recovery and on 6 May we were able to release him at the same location where we rescued him from. Unfortunately, we were unable to find a fosterer during the tough circuit breaker period and had no choice but to release him. It was an emotional farewell for all involved, especially Sharon and Richson and @purelywoof Irene, who led this rescue mission. Sunday looked happy and healthy when he was released and must have missed his family during the time he spent recovering.

Sunday’s rescue and treatment would not have been possible without the kind support of our donors. We would like to thank everyone for the immense concern that they have shown towards Sunday and we are happy to report that he is doing well, and his stray feeder Sharon continues to feed him at his usual spot.

8 MAY 2020

Just received latest update from Sunday's feeder Sharon. Good to see his wound is healing well and eating well 😊 Good job Sunday!

However, we still need your help to donate towards Sunday’s medical fees and the work of Purely Adoptions. These are the ways in which you can make a donation:

Transfer to UOB current account: 631-302-019-0

PayNow to UEN number: 201431426WPA8

Write a cheque to :

Purely Adoptions Limited

Post to :

PO Box 236

Thomson Road Post

Office Spore 915708

We would like to convey our utmost appreciation to the following donors:

Total amount collected as of 12 April 2020: $5,581

1 Dr Charles $100

2 Anthony Ho $50

3 Chauhan Raman $200

4 Tan Swee Sun $50

5 Chan Yen Ling $100

6 Li Yixin $20

7 Any Xin Jie $10

8 Tan Chui Ngoh $200

9 Sim Theng Theng $200

10 Kaen Tan $50

11 Anonymous $50

12 Sheena Goh $50

13 Rachel Chan $150

14 Tan Jia Hui $30

15 Fiona Ong $50

16 Lam Siow Qi $150

17 Ngeng Fung Ching $50

18 Rain Teh $50

19 Jayanthi d/o Puniamo $60

20 Sathyavani d/o Balan $20

21 Ng Poh Yan $20

22 Ho chan Chan $100

23 Rachel Ho $10

24 Seetha d/o Jayaprasn $50

25 Xanier Wong $20

26 Elaine & Adrian $200

27 Navin Jeyaratnam $30

28 Yeo Yan Ting $150

29 Cheryl Low $100

30 Andy Hall $30

31 Anonymous $30

32 Zen Chew $50

33 Yvonne Ng $30

34 Erlia Anom $30

35 Nurul Farzana Binte $30

36 Nooraiha Binte Abdul $20

37 Melissa Tan $30

38 Joselin Ng $50

39 Raja V $20

40 Ong Puey Ling $50

41 Tan Shing Mien $150

42 Anonymous $100

43 Ann Lee $20

44 Rasika Thapa $50

45 Tan Yung Ying $150

46 Amanda Mok $30

47 Kang Kang $100

48 Goh Chin Tien $20

49 Jenny Seet $50

50 Clare Liem $20

51 Evelina Larisa $30

52 Banupriya d/o Poonaj $50

53 Kristine Thi Da Hong $20

54 Ong Kian Keong $100

55 Cecila Tan $30

56 Becker Valero Kirste $50

57 Zheng WanQin $20

58 Choo Jiunn Jye $50

59 Chua Lee Shan $50

60 Ho Hong Date Jerremy $100

61 Gan Sin Heng $50

62 Sarita Golab Ramchan $50

63 Ho Wai Mun $50

64 Ang Ai Theng $100

65 Hazel Low $13

66 Chin Lee Yen $500

67 Koh Peng Peng $100

68 Queenie Teng $50

69 Sharon Tang $80

70 Ng Choon Kiat $50

71 Leanne Teng $50

72 Rache Chan $38

73 Alex Sng $30

74 Nicole Tham $20

75 Chan Yoke Wan $100

76 Lee Lian Wee $20

77 Lin Jun $20

78 Tyson Mom $100

79 Lim Fong Zhi $80

80 Lim Pei Wen $50

81 Happy Easter $100

82 Leong Soo Lan $50

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