We have been notified of a mummy cat and 4 kittens in a drain at Ghim Moh Link on National Day. The kittens are around 1 month old and we were pretty worried for the cat's safety when there is a heavy downpour. We met a young boy Chi En (the one in red) who stays around that area. He has been feeding the mummy cat and kittens for the past few days. We told Chi En to continue feeding them while we get a cat trapper.

However, on the morning of 11 August 2018, Chi En told us that he could not find the mummy cat and kittens as they seemed to have disappeared after the cleaner washed the drain.
12 AUGUST 2018
Thankfully, Chi En spotted the kittens again at the same area. We immediately got Richard, the cat trapper to head over to get the mummy cat and kittens. They have been living in the drain for the past few days and we hoped the cat and kittens are well.

We managed to rescue 4 kittens (2 boys and 2 girls) that were trapped in the drain. However, we were unable to locate the mummy cat.

Nonetheless, we are thankful to Adelene for notifying us of the cats, Chi En for feeding the kittens while we plan the rescue, Richard and Mohan for trapping the kittens and last but not least, Dayne of PurelyMeow.
We brought the kittens to the vet and to the fosterer's place thereafter. We have also decided to name them the soda kids - Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta and Sarsi.

14 AUGUST 2018
It was the second day at the fosterer's place and the Sodakids - Pepsi, Fanta, Sarsi, Sprite are doing well. They are mostly still very scared of human and will hide in their "cave" most of the time. So far, only 2 brave kittens have to ventured out when there were people in the room. Regardless, all the kittens are eating and drinking well.

15 AUGUST 2018
Day 3 and the Soda Kids (Fanta, Sprite, Pepsi & Sarsi) are finally out of their "cave" to play! They are getting more and more confident each day but still a little fearful of human. Let's see how it goes!
27 AUGUST 2018
The Soda Kids are doing very well and getting very playful. We brought them for their 1st vaccination and checkup on 27th August 2018 and we are happy to say they are very healthy 🙂 There's potential adopters for them and we will keep everyone posted!
