3 JANUARY 2020
We were informed of some puppies by stray feeders at Seletar. Our rescue team are there and we managed to trap some puppies. Rescue is still in progress and we are not sure how many puppies can we rescue. We will need fosterer for these puppies. If you can help, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585 asap. Thank you.

Puppies are safe at fosterer's place. 2 female (Buttercup & Cookie) and 1 cream male (Casper). Showered, fed and its sweet dreams time 😀. All are looking for fosterer and adopter. If you are interested, pls contact 90709585 (@PurelyWoof)

23 JANUARY 2020
Casper is on trial homestay and he has lots of cute sleeping posture to amuse his potential adopter. Casper, you are such a sweet naughty boy 😂

17 FEBRUARY 2020
Cute Casper (renamed as Cooper Tan) passed his trial homestay with flying colors. He is a new addition to the Tan Family. Mummy Alexis grew up in a family who loves animals. She used to have 2 dogs, 16 birds and 3 big fish tanks. When her family dogs passed on, she was heart broken and it took her quite a while to accept a new dog into her life. She saw Cooper and decided its time to move on and to save another life. She proceed with the trial homestay. Cooper being a boy created a bit of havoc at home. He destroyed their shoes, peed and pooed in the bedroom to show his anger. Alexis and family forgave him and are willing to spend time to train him. Afterall, all animals are teachable. Cooper knew he is the pampered one. We saw his smiling face when we went to do handover. We know he is happy there.
We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.
@Silverskypets - Free premium Wellness Kibbles @petsdreamworld_sg - Free premium supplement/products @roots_technologies_sg - Free premium brand Toy @noelwhiskylifestyle - Free Gift and up to 30% off and special deals for Purely Adoptions Adopters only) @PetCubes - Free 1 cases of fresh food @cslingphotos - Discount on pet photoshoot session by award-winning wildlife photographer @petsmagazinesg - Free leading monthly Pet Magazine in Singapore @Pettobow - Premium Pet Bow Tie @pawsolutionsg - Discounted home dog grooming @waterventure - collapsible bowl
@supernovasgshanice - Discounted Training Session @ezekielong - Discounted Animal Communication Session @forfurryfriends.sg - Free bottle of P.A.W.S @machopawz - Discounted in house dog grooming

16 MARCH 2020
Loves to receive updates on our adopted dog. This is Cooper Tan (formerly known as Casper) sleeping peacefully on Mummy's Alexis hand. Cooper was rescued in the wild and we are happy we found him a family who will love him forever. There's no more harsh weather and hunger for him. We are glad we save a life. Our efforts have been paid off.
