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Pickles is a senior spayed Shetland dog with skin infection left untreated for years. He could also be suffering from Hepatocutaneous (Hepato = Liver and Cutaneous = skin conditions) syndrome, a condition common amongst aged dogs, and even humans alike. His owners, believing him to be suffering and impossible of recovery, brought him to be put down. However, Dr Gloria from Mt Pleasant (Mandai) saw hopes in a full recovery of Pickles and decided to save him instead. Purely Adoptions came to know of the case and decided to help rehome this 13 year old senior dog.

His fosterer observed crusting on his footpads and odour from his feet. Albeit so, Pickles constantly look forward to her daily walks. He will also tend to step on his pee and poo and we suspected it could be the results of being caged up previously. Apart from this, Pickles is an obedient, affectionate, docile and grass trained boy, often cuddling up to his fosterer while his fosterer rests and watches TV. Regardless of what had happened to Pickles prior to this, we could tell that he is full of life and will be good for a family with kids or dogs.

Pickles was soon joined by a happy housemate - 3 months old Fluffy.

Under the tender loving care of his Fosterer, Pickles quickly gained back his health and strength to live. Although he is a senior dog, we never gave up hopes of finding this well mannered boy a permanent home. We brought him to all the adoption drives including Fur Friends Fiesta 2016 and we received inquiries about him too, which kept our hopes high.

He went for 2 trial home stay but both didn’t turn out well. Nonetheless, we never gave up and true enough, our persistence paid off.

2 Jan 2017

The year started off well with Pickles being adopted! Derina and Boon decided to visit Pickles at his fosterer’s place one day and immediately fell in love with him. They quickly decided to have Pickles for the next few days to see if he could adjust well to their daily routine. Pickles fitted in perfectly; he was ‘suddenly’ toilet trained and looked forward to his daily walk, enjoying every moment in his new home. We knew then that Pickles has chosen his forever home.

Thank you Derina and Boon for giving Pickles a chance to be loved once more. You have given him an experience that he probably has not had before in his whole life and Pickles seemed like a puppy all over again, learning and exploring his new home.

We would also like to thank our following Sponsors for their support in our cause and at the same time, we thank the adopters for adopting instead of buying

6. Lynn Marissa Liem

“I am alive because of you. Thank you for not giving up on me.”

We are Purely Adoptions and sign off in resonance with the words that described the case of Pickles.


17 June 2017

Pickles, now renamed Alfie, came to visit Purely Adoptions at "One Furry Fiesta 2017". Thanks Derina and Boon for the visit! It is always a joy getting a visit from our adopters and adopted dogs. It made our persistence in adoption all the worthwhile and constantly gives us the motivation to continue in this cause.

1 January 2018

Thanks Derina for the updates! From a senior dog with severe skin infection that was almost "put to sleep" to the current happy and much loved darling at home. With love, proper nutrition and supplements, any senior dog can also be a handsome and beautiful dog. All senior dogs deserve a second chance.

Alfie was also featured in our 2018 Calendar!

23 April 2018

A sad news to share with everyone. Pickles has passed on peacefully. He was diagnosed with kidney failure and cancer. It's a sudden shock for the adopter Derina and Boon and a painful news to us.

Alfie came a long way, from the day he was brought to the Vet to put to sleep to finding a perfect family.

Dear Alfie,

You left us too sudden and is probably looking down at us from the Heaven above. We are glad to have found a wonderful family for you and as a result, you flourished under their tender loving care. We know you have lived well from the day you went for trial homestay till the very last day. Rest in peace, our dear Alfie, you will be deeply missed.

Dear Derina & Boon,

Thank you for coming forward to offer Alfie a home when he was old and sick (Alfie was 13 and sick when he was adopted). Your kind gesture meant a lot to us and we are always happy to see him at our adoption drives. He is free from any and all pain and must be happy now. We know he will not forget the love and sweet memories he shared with the both of you. Our deepest condolences to you.

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