16 AUGUST 2020
We just took in a cream girl which we named Ice Cream. We will let her settle down first before we put her for adoption. If you like to know more about her, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585.
25 AUGUST 2020
Don't you feel happy to see a rescued dog, eating well and sleeping well at fosterer's place? This is Ice Cream, the dog we rescued recently at fosterer's place. She will be going for trial homestay this sat and we are pretty excited over it. We wish her all the best 😊
30 AUGUST 2020
Ice Cream is on trial homestay as well and we love how she starts to interact with potential adopter. She was a stray dog living in the wild when we took her in. It warm our heart to see her adapting well in a home environment and she's loving it (we LOVE her SMILE!!)..Ice Cream, we wish you all the best!
The joy of doing rescue work is to see the rescued animals safe at home with ample food and love. Ice Cream (renamed to Yumiko) was rescued on 16 Aug when passerby Joanne informed us of a friendly dog who will look for food at certain time of the day. We are glad Yumiko settled pretty fast at Fosterer's place, despite being in the wild for her whole life. Yumiko's post garned few interested parties and Audrey is one of them. Audrey has been looking for a dog since her previous mutt passed on. Upon seening Yumiko at fosterer's place, Audrey decided to proceed with trial homestay and she knows she's not going to let her go. We are happy for Yumiko, no more harsh wild life for her.
We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.
@Silverskypets - Free premium Wellness Kibbles @Silverskypets - Free premium Naturediet @roots_technologies_sg - Free premium brand Toy @noelwhiskylifestyle - ( special deals for Purely Adoptions Adopters only) @petsmagazinesg - Leading monthly Pet Magazine in Singapore @Pettobow - Premium Pet Bow Tie @waterventure - collapsible bowl
@supernovasgshanice - Discounted Training Session @ezekielong - Discounted Animal Communication Session @forfurryfriends.sg - Free bottle of P.A.W.S @machopawz - Discounted in house dog grooming @ ai wei-Free Bandana Ban