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We took in Honey today, a 17 year old JRT. Gave him shower and food. He is settling well at temporary fosterer's place. Honey was brought to the vet to put to sleep but the vet took him in. We have moved him to home environment as it will be more ideal for a blind and deaf senior dog. A very sweet boy so far but will bark when its meal time or toilet time. We hope to find an adopter for him. If you are interested, pls contact 90018848. Pls share the post. Thank you.


What is it like to be a blind dog? He can't see what he's eating, trying hard to find his water and keep knocking his head against the wall. He will yell for help when he feel helpless. Maybe that's why he was brought to the vet to put to sleep. At the age of 17, his life was deemed worthless to his ex owner and convenient euthanasia is an easy way out. But he found Love and Hope at Purely Adoptions. Sometimes he just want to enjoy the same old cuddles he used to have. Will we be able to find someone who is willing to take care of him? We are not sure but we hope we can find that someone. If you like to help Honey, pls contact 90018848. He is really a sweet boy. Pls share the post. Thank you.


Honey has a gift! A halo ring from Winnie 😀. Yes, this Halo ring will prevent Honey from knocking himself again the wall (Honey is a 17yr old Blind and Deaf JRT). Thank you Winnie for your kind thoughts.

Honey's post has garnered many kind angels to come forward to help in terms of fostering or sponsoring treats. We even have interested party who like to adopt Honey but unfortunately her dog doesn't like a 2nd dog in the house. We will continue to find a forever home for him. If you like to know about him, pls contact 90018848. Thank you and pls share the post.


Christmas comes early for Honey 😄 This is second time Honey received gift and that is Treats from Eileen! Honey is a deaf and blind senior 17yr JRT, brought to clinic to PTS. He is doing well at fosterer's place and he is absolutely thrilled by the treats. Being a blind dog, he uses his senses alot in getting his bearings and checking out his meals. Despite his age, he is a active boy. He will do his exercise everyday by walking round and round (this is how he walk) in morning and evening and then quietly rest at one corner. A good lap dog who enjoys cuddle and human touch. The only setback is he can't see his pee and poo and might step on it. If one is able to monitor his toilet timing, he is a good old dog to have as companion. If you like to know more about him, pls contact 90018848.

To Eileen, thank you for the treats. You have made his day

Pls share the post and hopefully we can find a home for him. Thank you.


For those who are thinking of Honey, the senior blind and deaf JRT that we took in recently when he was brought to the Vet to put to sleep? He is doing well at foster home. Few days ago, he was having a mooncake party with his foster parents' doggies. This boy is good with other dogs and he really love to eat Very happy to see him enjoying himself. 😊

Honey is up for adoption. If you like to know more about him, pls contact 90018848. Thank you. Pls share the post.

6 OCTOBER 2020

Do animals communicate and comfort each other? Honey's fosterer dog got quite sick lately and just got discharged from the clinic. Our recent rescued 17 yr old JRT Honey, was walking in circle as usual suddenly walked towards Noel. He seems to be whispering some words of encouragement and Noel seems to acknowledged it. After that, Honey sat beside Noel while he sleep. Honey is deaf and blind. How does blind Honey know where is Noel and did they really talk? Maybe they did talk, maybe Honey was comforting Noel as both are senior citizen. Its definitely a comforting scene for fosterer to witness.

Senior dogs are unique in their own way. They tend to be more appreciative and somehow more understanding. Honey nearly lost his life when ex-owner brought him to the Vet to put to sleep. He is a healthy dog except he lost his sight and hearing. If you are like to give him a forever home, pls contact 90018848. Thank you and pls share the post.

25 OCTOBER 2020

An update on Honey, the senior 17 yr old Blind and deaf JRT. He is currently hospitalised as he was diagnosed with Pancreatitis. He is now back at the clinic where he was rescued (ex owner brought him to clinic to PTS and Vet took him in). No appeal for medical fee is needed for Honey as this kind Vet will take care of his medical fee. In fact, she has been sponsoring Hepatic dry and wet food during his foster care. Honey is in good hands and we trust this Vet will do her best to treat him and take care of him during his stay. Thank you Dr V.

28 OCTOBER 2020

Foster mummy visited Honey today. He is getting better and starting to take baby steps to walk again. Appetitie is not fantastic yet but we believe he will regain his hearty craving soon. Does Honey look like smiling in the photos? We think so too.. maybe he knows Foster mummy is here to visit him (he is blind by the way). Get well soon Honey, Foster Mummy can't wait to see you back home.

22 NOVEMBER 2020

Honey is back at Fosterer's place after his pancreatic episode and stay at the clinic. Fosterer's dog Noel is trying to make him feel comfortable, just like how Honey comforted him when he was discharged from the clinic sometime back ( Touching. There's so much love and affections between the 2 dogs. Honey is a 17 year old deaf and blind dog, brought the the vet to PTS. We took over Honey, hoping to find a good home for him ( We let Honey regain his strength and keep everyone posted on his progress.

Honey went for his first outing today with his foster brother Noel. Both dogs are senior (Honey 17yr old, Noel 16yr old) and can't really walk. Its a great day and both dogs look happy. Happy dogs make us happy, especially when they are rescued dogs. We are not sure if Honey has ever been pampered in his previous family (he was brought to vet to PTS) but we are sure he is going to enjoy his life under PurelyAdoptions's care

25 NOVEMBER 2020

A quiet afternoon where blind and deaf senior Honey accompanied foster brother Noel during his Subcut session and fell asleep. Honey is still looking for a home. To know more about Honey, pls visit: If you like to give this sweet boy his forever home, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585. Pls share the post.

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