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Hans Solo

25 December 2015

Still remember this little pup kana chop off half of his tail??? Went to feed the two boys this afternoon. Hope Patrick n Estella fm Purely Adoption can help this poor little boy find a home.

Hans was rescued by Mei Mei, one of our stray feeders. She found him at a factory, with his tail chopped off and in excruciating pain. She was appalled at the sight and contacted Purely Adoptions about the 2 months old Hans. We immediately took over the case after hearing the inhumane treatment of Hans and took him to Dr Tai of Nam Sang for an examination.


21 Dec 2015: Medical consultation

We brought the puppy to the vet for consult on the wound on its tail. Dr Tai recommended a tail construction as the wound is exposed and may result in gangrene. The surgery was scheduled on the next day as the risk of gangrene increases by day given the wound.

In preparation for the surgery, we bathed the puppy and put Revolution on him as he has many fleas and lice.

We decided to name him Hans Solo, after a hero in Star Wars. We hope that this little puppy can be a brave and overcome this obstacle and come out stronger than ever before.

22 Dec 2015: Operation

Hans Solo had his tail reconstruction operation today. It was a success! Thank you Dr Tai, we are definitely very relieved at the news.

24 Dec 2015: Post operation check up

After review by Dr Tai, she has confirmed that the puppy is doing well. Such a brave puppy indeed.

1 Jan 2016: Recuperation

Visited Hans at his fosterer's place and he is recovering very well under the care of our Fosterer Joey, as well as her sister and mum.


24 Jan 2016: We are very thankful and blessed that Lynette and her sister decided to adopt Hans Solo, giving him a new lease of life. Solo now has 2 other sisters to play with him, nap with him and get treats together with him. He also has all the care, love and attention that he once could only yearn but never get.

We are Purely for Adoptions and signing off with a heart full of hope that more angels exist.


Feb 2016
Jan 2016

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