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Grandma, Blackie & Brownie

Grandma story:

13 MARCH 2019

SOS! Anyone can help to foster this Grandma dog that was taken by SPCA? Stray feeder Shirlin has been feeding her for 10years in a vacant factory and recently the factory has new occupant and they called SPCA to take away the dog 😭😭. Grandma is very sweet. She just need a shelter. If you can help, pls contact 90018848 (PurelyWoof) ASAP. Very very urgent! We try to delay time at SPCA. Pps share the post. Thank you.

16 MARCH 2019

2pm : Thank you

Purely Adoptions for helping to bail out this old granny dog who had stayed at a factory for 10+ years. There is change of factory ownership and the dogs have to be out. Somehow granny dog ended in SPCA 😕 SPCA staff are very helpful in the bailing process and keeping granny dog comfy. Granny dog needs to lose wt haha ... I have to carry her all the way from my van to the kennel! I think she is at least 30kg 😖 Granny met Peanut my boarding daschund, guess this is the 1st time she see a small dog haha ... I gave her a bath as she was very dirty. See the amount of dead furs I brushed off 😫 Granny has a good temperament! Not a single noise when I carried her, bathed and brushed her. She must be very confused with so many happenings within the week, she takes it very well! After bath, she has a hearty meal. Appetite is good! Let hope she can find her retirement home soon! Do contact Purely Adoptions if you are able to adopt 😊

24 MARCH 2019

An angel Geraldine saw our post and feel very sorry for Grandma. Grandma was chased out by the new owner of a vacant factory. Stray feeder Shirlin and Francis have been feeding her and her friends in the vacant factory for the past 10 years. SPCA was called to remove Grandma asap and we had Grandma bailed out from SPCA immediately. We understood her 2 friends in the factory will be next to be removed.

Grandma is 10 year old and apparently she seems to have mild stroke. Geraldine went to our commercial boarding today to view Grandma and decided to foster her for time being. We have transferred Grandma to Geraldine's house today and will keep everyone posted on her progress.

Grandma is up for adoption and we hope there will be someone who can come forward to help is gentle granny. To adopt her, pls contact 90018848 (PurelyWoof). Pls share the post.

To Geraldine:

Thank you for your kindness in fostering Grandma. This is the first time in her whole life to live in a house surrounded by lovely people. She grew up in the vacant factory and the only human contact she had was when Francis and Shirlin feed her in the evening. We are truly touched. Thank you.

20 APRIL 2019

20/04/19 Grandma went for her check up at Furfriends Vet ..she is well behave in the car journey to n fro..😍 She has a slight ear infections..n wet eyes Dr Kitty has prescribed ointment n antibiotics also with some Supplements for her legs joints n muscle as she is getting old now.. We want to thank #PurelyAdoptions for picking up the medical bills for Grandma.. Estella Lien n Patrick Cher a big Thank You from Grandma too ..😘🙏💋❤ She promise she 🐕 will be good n stay strong ya..also if I can get a good home.hahaha.💕

8 OCTOBER 2019

We are looking for fosterer for Grandma. She was bailed out from SPCA when the new tenant of a vacant factory moved in. Grandma and her friends Blackie and Brownie has been living in the factory for past 10 years before they were caught by SPCA. A very quiet medium size dog. She may look big but she is not. She just obese 😂. Good for people who like quiet and not active dog. Grandma is currently on propalin and we will need fosterer to feed her medicine. If you like to foster her, pls contact 90018848 (PurelyAdoptions). She is also up for adoption. Pls contact PurelyWoof 90709585. A very good girl who deserves a home. Pls share the post so she can find a forever home.

We lost Grandma, the senior dog today. Grandma is the senior dog which lived her whole life in the vacant factory with 2 other dogs Brownie and Blackie. Stray Feeders Shirlin and Francis have been feeding the 3 of them for 13 years before the new owner took over and we need to evacuate the 3 dogs asap. Since then, we have moved the 3 dogs to commercial boarding before transferring Grandma to foster care.

Grandma lived a good life. Even though she grew up in the vacant factory, she has always been a happy dog, waiting for Shirlin and Francis everyday without fail. She has no other request than to see her favourite people, spending a bit of time with them before they went off to feed other dogs. When Grandma and her friends' life are at stake, Shirlin and Francis are the first one to save them. They came to us to find a home for them. Grandma's health has not been good and she has been on Propalin to control her urinary incontinence. Apart from that, she has lung disease and heart issue. There are also mass found in her lungs.

Lately Grandma's health deterioriates. Shirlin and Francis decided to bring her back to the vacant factory that she grew up. Its heartbreaking to watch the video of her visiting the factory one last time. She is a good dog and deserves a good home. We always though Grandma is 13yr but today we learn from someone who work across the vacant factory that Grandma is actually 15yr old. Good old 15yr old. Grandma lived a good age.

PurelyAdoptions has always have high regards for stray feeders. Without them, the strays animals will be hungry, thirsty and unloved.

To our benevolent stray feeder Shirlin and Francis, thank you for loving Grandma and the strays dogs & cats out there as much as your own pets. They are very lucky to have met you.

To dearest Grandma, sorry we could not have the chance to find you a home. Our deepest regret. Do run free and don't worry about Brownie and Blackie. They are safe with us and we will protect and love them as much as you did when you were in the vacant factory. RIP.


26 MARCH 2019

From Wong Ling: Thank you Purely Adoptions for taking in Grandma's pals too. Due to change of factory ownership, the 3 dogs there have to be out.

I fetch Blackie from SPCA as SPCA assisted to remove the remaining 2 dogs Blackie and Brownie ytd. Brownie is to be sterilised today at SPCA. Blackie is very very matted! 1+ hour of trimming off the matted furs, I did as much as she can tolerate. Still have 20% to go, I leave it to the groomer 😅

7 MARCH 2021

An update on Blackie ( Thank you to those who donated to Blackie’s operation last round. We received some news from fosterer Uma and Kumaran that they found new lumps on Blackie’s body and one started to burst. There is a possibility that the tumor has turned aggressive and started to spread in her body. We will keep a close watch on her and do all we can to help her. We know Blackie is well taken care of under Uma and Kumaran’s care. This fortunate girl get to sleep in aircon room and has her own blanket. She also has little sister Maya whom the fosterer adopted to keep her company. Maya has a birth defect and this kind couple adopted her because nobody looked at her during adoption drive. We love the smile on Blackie’s face. She is telling us she felt the warmth and love in this family and we know it. Thank you Uma and Kumaran.

14 NOVEMBER 2020

Happy Diwali to all our Hindu animal lovers out there! This is the latest update of Blackie, fostered by Uma and Kumaran. Blackie is a senior 10yr dog left in a vacant factory together with her 2 other siblings until one day a new tenant moved in and they were removed by SPCA. We bailed them out from SPCA. Since then, Blackie has been staying the the kennel until Uma and Kumaran came forward to foster her. Its heartwarming sight to see Blackie celebrating the festival of lights with her caring fosterer. Thank you Uma and Kumaran.

27 DECEMBER 2020

An update on senior Blackie. We have proceed to remove the cancerous tumour on Blackie and she is back home resting. The surgery went well and Blackie is able to celebrate her first Christmas at home with fosterer Uma and Kumaran. We like to thank the following for coming forward to donate towards Blackie’s operations. The operation is estimated to be $4,216.20. We have collected $2,859.20 and we are short of $1,357.

The kind donors are:

Presto $ 1,000.00

Teo Zuan Ni Indree $ 100.00

Lim Jia Ying Wyn $ 10.00

Lim Mei Eee $ 120.00

Kasturibai D/O Athma $ 100.00

Toh Dai En $ 50.00

Liew Wei Ling Janet $ 10.00

Natasha (Ho Siau Tung Ashley) $ 30.00

Ng Lee Kiang $ 50.00

Ong Puey Ling $ 100.00

Rachel Pawraits $ 160.00

Melodee (Hope for Animals) $ 99.20

Bebescrappywei $ 100.00

Lee Chen Ya (Earnes SG) $ 260.00

Chin Hui Ling $ 10.00

Claire Chin Ying Qi $ 10.00

For Furry Friends $ 200.00

Teo Heng Ling $ 300.00

Koh Hui Xuan Sabrina $150.00

Total: $ 2,859.20

If you like to contribute to Blackie’s medical fee, you can donate to us via the following ways:

1. Purely Adoptions UOB Current A/C: 631-302-019-0

2. Purely Adoptions PayNow, the UEN is : 201431426WPA8

3. Write a cheque to "Purely Adoptions Limited" and post to : PO Box 236, Thomson Rd Post Office S915708.

Thank you for your kind donations. We will keep everyone posted on Blackie’s progress.

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