11 AUGUST 2019
Today 11 Aug 2019 marks a very special day for us. We have successfully launched a rescue Mission for Gao Bu and Girly, two of our dogs which we have been feeding.
We have deep worries and concern as Latte, the maggot wound dog which we rescued 4 months ago has heart worm and we need to treat him urgently. We suspect that Gao Bu and Girly living in the same area, may also have heart worm. Lately the dogs appetite are not good and they became skinner.
We need to rescue them and find out the truth. We need to help them. They are so helpless, so vulnerable, so pitiful. They do not ask for more, they only need food and we have been taking care of them. Our love, dedication and concern for these strays grows over the past 12 months.
Purely Adoptions team members Adeline and Jeannie took the initiative to trap these 2 vulnerable dogs. We need to help them. They started to fence up the area of feeding. And while they are feeding on the delicious food prepared for them, these 2 ladies swiftly enclose the netting.
Patience and dedication is the key ingredient towards trapping these 2 strays. The many months animal communication, dehydrated treats and touch, is also important to harness the trust between humans and dogs.
While they have been feeding the dogs, another team members Raymond, Yong Tat and Jun Jie stand by with the carriers and carry them inside. The moment of happiness takes place when we receives a sms that the dogs are surrounded. We have a go ahead to go uphill.
With great effort and hard work we managed to get both Gao Bu and Girly into the carriers. The next challenge is to carry them downhill and give them a shower. So with great happiness and with tiring bodies, we carry these 2 darlings for a critical vet check. We need to determine whether they have heart worms as it is life threatening to them.
Along the journey, Gao Bu becomes very anxious and freaks out. She just “lao sai” green colour liquid stools. Poor gal she must be so frighten. Both Adeline and Jeannie have to endure the smell for the entire journey. Their love towards helping these 2 dogs is remarkable and commendable.
At the kennel, it’s takes 3 ladies to shower the dogs. One will be holding a towel to lift the hips, another with the water hose and third one to lather the dogs. They have never been showered for years and it’s an amazing feeling to be clean and smelling fresh.
Both dogs enjoys the shower and we witness them smiling at us. It’s as though they are saying “Thank you” to us. We feel so enlighten, so overjoy as we know that we will be changing the destiny of these 2 dogs. We are determine to rehab and rehome them to be family pets.
We gain great satisfaction and joy when we rescue, rehab and rehome each dog and cat. One stray rescued from the street is one pet rehome to a good family.
We like to seek you assistance as we are short of donations. If you like to donate towards Gao Bu and Girly medical expense and boarding please donate to :
1. UOB current account: 631-302-019-0.
2. Using PayNow, the UEN is : 201431426WPA8
3. Write a cheque to "Purely Adoptions Limited" and post to : PO Box 236, Thomson Rd Post Office S915708
We will keep you all updated on these 2 darlings progress.

15 AUGUST 2019
Our volunteers Irene, Adeline and Jeannie brought Gaobu (the black and white) and Girly to see the vet today. Gaobu which means "Mother Dog" and Girly (apparently her daughter) were from the same forest that Latte was rescued. Both dogs have very nice nature and very trusting to people. We believe they have good chance to be home pet. We did the relevant tests to understand more of their health conditions.
Gaobu tested Heartworm and Tick Fever negative. CBC and Liver and Kidney are normal which is great news.
However for Girly, she was tested Heartworm Positive, no tick fever and blood test show CBC and Liver/Kidney normal. We immediately put Girly on Heartworm Treatment.
Both girls look relaxed and happy during this vet visit. Glad that we rescued these two girls from the forest. They deserve a good life. We can't imagine how they survive in the wild for the past few years when it rains and when there's no food. It's time they have a better life. We will keep everyone posted on their progress.

18 AUGUST 2019
Glad to see Gaobu's happy face. She was rescued from the same forest as Latte and Girly. These 3 furries grew up in the forest and have to battle for survivor for past years. We brought all of them down and put them in home environment. They adapt well and have been smiling since being rescued. They yearned to have a home like our home pet.
We loves Gaobu's smiling face. It's the same smile we saw on Latte when he went to his foster's house. It's the smile that pushes us to do more for the strays and homeless animals out there.
We believe Gaobu has settled well and she is ready for adoption. She is 10yr old and HDB approved. If you like to adopt her, pls contact @purelywoof or 90709585 (PurelyWoof). Pls share the post. Thank you.

20 AUGUST 2019
Its heartwarming to see Gaobu walk well on leash.
This is her 3rd attempt walking on leash after living the forest for past 10 years. PurelyWoof Irene is surprised by her progress when she walked her this afternoon. We are amazed too as it has only been 9 days since she was trapped. As what we can remember (when we went up to feed the forest dogs), Gaobu likes to run around and we have been thinking it will be hard to leash her, let alone rehome her. Apart from that, she does not like to be restrained
Gaobu obviously wants to be a family pet and she is trying her best to be as obedient as possible. Our fosterer Sharon is trying to toliet train her and letting her get use to humans and traffic.
If you like to give Gaobu a 2nd chance, pls contact @purelywoof Irene at 90709585. Pls share the post so Gaobu can find her forever home soon. Thank you.
• GAOBU , Female •
Look who is here!
Gaobu was rescued down from the forest and is adapting well to her new lifestyle now ☺️ loves human affection and is walking well on leash too 💞 such a sweetheart here 🐶
To adopt me, pls contact 90709585 (Irene) @purelywoof

21 AUGUST 2019
Forgot to mention in yesterday post on Gaobu that she's addicted to TV too😄. Considering she has been living in the wild for the past 10 years with minimum human interaction, she can sit quietly at one corner when the TV is on. Its as though she is concentrating on the moving pictures. Another giant step to becoming home pet 👏👏😊 If you like to give Gaobu a 2nd chance, pls contact @purelywoof Irene at 90709585. Pls share the post so Gaobu can find her forever home soon. Thank you.

28 AUGUST 2019
Good to see Girly, one of the 2 girls we rescued from the forest learning to walk on leash. Infact, she is doing well considering she, similarly as her mother Gaobu has been living in the forest for their whole life. All strays animals deserves a home isn't it? It's touching to see the 2 girls, Girly and Gaobu trying their best to be home pet. They settled down pretty well, probably they love the attention human are showering them, giving them regular meals rather then them fighting for food with other dogs. They probably feel the warmth at home, knowing there's a bed and blanket to take cover when it rains. We see their determination and its our responsibility to find a good home for them. Girly is diagnosed with Heartworm and we have started her medical treatment. We will let her recover first before finding her a home.
All strays dogs and cats deserve a home. It's not their choice to be born on the street. We will do what we can to help them. Pls help to share any adoption posts we have, may it be cats or dogs. Every share means a chance for them to find a home. Thank you.
When you are looking high and low for your foster dog, calling her name and later found her happily lying on the bed 😂 Padon the fosterer slightly harsh voice, he and the whole family really love Gaobu alot..haha..just that Gaobu has always been a cheeky senior lady.
Gaobu is one of the senior dogs we rescued from Uncle Heng forest. Having lived in the forest for past 10 years, she is adapting very well in home environment, doing what our home pet usually do such as walking on leash, watching TV and of course sleep on the bed. Glad to see her so happy. Keep it up Gaobu!
4 OCTOBER 2019
Nothing warms your heart than to see a forest dog finally has a place called home. Apart from than, she is 10 years old and has been strugging to find food for the last 10years in the forest until Stray Feeders Uncle Heng and our Volunteers Adeline, Jeannie and Irene appeared. We are on cloud nine and we wanted to cry.
Jack is the 2nd fosterer for Gaobu when we first rescued her together with Girly sometime back. Sharon, the first fosterer did a great job in getting Gaobu to settle in a home environment, similar as beginner training on "How to be the most 'shiok' home pet?". She taught her how to walk on leash (outdoor activity), basic command, enjoy treats, and most importantly how to relax by watching TV (apparently this is one of her favourite activities at home). Jack came along and took over fostering of Gaobu. In Jack's house, she remembered Sharon's 'teachings' to relax when at home. She saw the big comfy bed, climbed and slept on it. She realised the bed is so much softer that the grass she used to lay and thus will automatically jump on the bed when she need to rest. We are really happy she is safe in a loving home, no longer have to battle with the snakes and heavy rain in the forest. Thank you Jack for opening your heart to a 10yr old senior Singapore Special. It really touches our heart.
We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.
@Silversky Pet Care - Free premium Wellness Kibbles
@Pets Dream World Singapore - Free premium supplement
@Roots Technologies - Free premium brand Toy
@Noel & Whisky Animal Theme Products - Free Gift and lifetime special discount
@Pet Cubes - Free 2 cases of fresh food
@C.S.Ling Photography - Discounted on pet photoshoot session by award-winning wildlife photographer
@Pets Magazine - Free leading monthly Pet Magazine in Singapore .
@Pettobow - Free Premium Pet Bow Tie
@pawsolution - Free Spa Shampoo
@PA water venture - Collapsible bowl
@Supernova International Dog Sports Academy - Discounted Training Session @Animal Communications Singapore - Discounted Animal Communication Session
@Forfurryfriends.sg - Free bottle of P.A.W.S.

3 MAY 2020
Remember last year Aug 2019, our team rescued Mummy Dog Gaobu and Daughter Girly from the Uncle Heng forest -(https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156608644296295&id=6741511294). Mummuy Gaobu has since found her forever home and we decided to treat Girly's heartworm illness while we find a home for her. During this period, our volunteer Adeline took the initiative to bring Girly to the clinic for her treatment, (without fail). After all, she is one of the volunteers who helped Uncle Heng to feed the forest dog when he fell down then. Girly must be touched by Adeline's kindness and starts to look forward to her visit to the shelter. Days and months passed, the bond between Adeline and Girly grew and Adeline knows she is not going to let Girly go and decided to adopt her. We are overjoyed as we know Adeline is a very good dog onwer and we have no doubts Girly will have a good life. Thank you Adeline for your angelic heart towards the strays dogs and cats. You have saved one stray off the street.
We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.
@Silverskypets - Free premium Wellness Kibbles @Silverskypets - Free premium Naturediet @roots_technologies_sg - Free premium brand Toy @noelwhiskylifestyle - Free Gift @petsmagazinesg - Free leading monthly Pet Magazine in Singapore @Pettobow - Premium Pet Bow Tie @pawsolutionsg - Discounted home dog grooming @waterventure - collapsible bowl
@supernovasgshanice - Discounted Training Session @ezekielong - Discounted Animal Communication Session @forfurryfriends.sg - Free bottle of P.A.W.S @machopawz - Discounted in house dog grooming @ai wei-Free Bandana Ban

10 FEBRUARY 2021
We love receiving updates from our adopters. This is latest picture of Gaobu, sleeping on the bed. It’s heartwarming to see that she is pampered at home. She lived her whole life in the forest for past 10 years until we brought her down from the forest. We are really happy for her ☺️
