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Forever Home for Pepper!

Our gorgeous rocker babes Red , Hot, Chilli and Pepper (RHCP) were rescued from a hoarder situation and it is a home which no cat should be born into. The team mediated the situation, took over majority of the cats and helped the owners to sterilized all adult cats. This batch of kittens took part @hopeforanimalssg fb adoption drive and all managed to find their forever homes!

Pepper was adopted by Marinah and her husband as they wanted to have a play mate for their current cat, Muri but what make this pair so interesting is that even though Muri kinda accepted Pepper (now known as Kira), she wouldn’t hesitate to give Kira some discipline if Kira over step her boundaries. Do follow them on their instagram account @mikomurikira !

We want to thank all our adopters for choosing to @adoptdontshop and our sponsors such as for their sponsorship of our starter kit


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