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Forever Home for Panda PO!

The kitten rescued from a busy road had been adopted by our existing adopter, Natasha who had also adopted Hunter from us!! We love it when our existing adopters come back to us to adopt another buddy because indirectly, they are also supporting our rescue efforts! Thank you!! Nowadays, Panda, now renamed to Charli enjoys play fighting with Hunter, at times studies (or pretend to be) for her exams, but most important of all, she is being loved in her forever home. Do follow both Charli and Hunter on Instagram @hunter_n_charli and check out the antics they get into!

We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause. @Silverskypets @noelwhiskylifestyle @petsmagazinesg @aiweisia_designs @shopee_sg @bonesoffalmeat @amberartgallerysg

Our foster @fas_fattie for taking care of Panda and also Natasha and her family @queenatasha for your continuing support!!


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