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Forever Home for Marble!

We are glad to announce Marble has a home! It has not been a easy process to rehab Marble as she has some ‘guarding’ issues but thanks to Fosterer-turned-Adopter’s determination and kind guidance from Iris of @dawk_star , Marble found a family who love her as she is. Thank you!

“We didn’t choose Marble. She chose us. We expected companionship, obedience, responsibility from a pet. But Marble taught us more than that. Throughout the past 8 months of fostering her, she showed us what is patience, love and clear communication. With her, we made friends and good habits.

But we will not be here without the help of a lot of people. We are thankful to passers-by and behaviourists that became friends and eventually became an important support group. Also, we thank Purely Adoptions for their trust in us and giving us the space to grow with Marble.

Finally, We Are Family! “ - Proud Adopter of Marble, Edwin & Ann

We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.

@Silverskypets - Free premium Wellness Kibbles @Silverskypets - Free premium Naturediet @roots_technologies_sg - Free premium brand Toy @noelwhiskylifestyle - ( special deals for Purely Adoptions Adopters only) @petsmagazinesg - Leading monthly Pet Magazine in Singapore @waterventure - collapsible bowl

@supernovasgshanice - Discounted Training Session @animal_communications - Discounted Animal Communication Session - Free bottle of P.A.W.S @machopawz - Discounted in house dog grooming @ ai wei-Free Bandana @shopee_sg - Shopping vouchers @bonesoffalmeat - Discount voucher @amberartgallerysg - Discount voucher


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