“We were lucky enough to have Juno over for homestay and totally fell in love with this cutie! We already have a 7yo Singapore Special and wanted to find him a companion. We weren’t looking for puppies initially as we wanted another dog that’s low to medium energy. Juno turned out to be a gem - he’s medium energy and totally fitted into the energy level at home. He’d often follow the 7yo around like a little brother and would often chill out with him on lazy afternoons. Thank you PurelyAdoptions for supporting us through this process!” - Juno’s Adopter Edwin & Lynn

We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.
@Silverskypets - Free premium Wellness Kibbles @Silverskypets - Free premium Naturediet @roots_technologies_sg - Free premium brand Toy @noelwhiskylifestyle - ( special deals for Purely Adoptions Adopters only) @petsmagazinesg - Leading monthly Pet Magazine in Singapore @waterventure - collapsible bowl
@supernovasgshanice - Discounted Training Session @animal_communications - Discounted Animal Communication Session @forfurryfriends.sg - Free bottle of P.A.W.S @machopawz - Discounted in house dog grooming @ ai wei-Free Bandana @shopee_sg - Shopping vouchers @bonesoffalmeat - Discount voucher @amberartgallerysg - Discount voucher