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Forever Home for Jasper!

“We are very passionate for giving dogs a loving home and to reshape their past unwanted, experiences that they definitely did not deserve. Having previously owned dogs, we know how much we mean to the dogs and hence we want to create a new loving family for them. Dogs are more than just an animal, they enrich our lives and have given our lives so much more meaning! To us, they are just like kids and they deserve to be showered with so much love and care no matter the breed! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to love and give baby Jasper a family🥰” - Jasper’s Adopter Priscilla

“additionally, having seen the backstories of dogs for sale, i have ever since told my mum that we will always choose to adopt in any case, to do our part to give these dogs a home too, no matter their ‘imperfections’.” - Adopter Priscilla’s daughter Valarie

We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.

@Silverskypets - Free premium Wellness Kibbles @Silverskypets - Free premium Naturediet @roots_technologies_sg - Free premium brand Toy @noelwhiskylifestyle - ( special deals for Purely Adoptions Adopters only) @petsmagazinesg - Leading monthly Pet Magazine in Singapore @waterventure - collapsible bowl

@supernovasgshanice - Discounted Training Session @animal_communications - Discounted Animal Communication Session - Free bottle of P.A.W.S @machopawz - Discounted in house dog grooming @ ai wei-Free Bandana @shopee_sg - Shopping vouchers @bonesoffalmeat - Discount voucher @amberartgallerysg - Discount voucher


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