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Forever Home for Cocoa!

“We would like to thank Purely Woof, Purely Adoptions and foster pawrents Olivia and her sisters for making Cocoa’s adoption process very meaningful and informative to us.

Cocoa is 7 weeks now and he is getting along with our older adopted dog Biskut, though at times his bubbly nature is in a contrast to Biskut’s serene and gentle manner, triggering into an exciting (for them) play and barks!

Adopting a dog and making it a part of the family is a blessing for us. This is our 2nd adoption of SS and we hope that our friends would also adopt when their family is ready for a dog or cat.

We would like to thank the generous sponsors for the gifts that they have shared for Cocoa.

We are grateful to the continuous support system provided by Purely Woof and Purely Adoptions, answering to our queries and providing practical solutions.

Thank you also to Cocoa’s 8 siblings that were also adopted and their pawrents for forming a family group! Looking forward to years of bonding and friendship! “

From Cocoa’s pawrents Gayatri, Srini and Anand.

We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.


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