The wonderful ladies started out with good intentions to help Uncle Heng feed his dogs in the forest when he fell down 2 month ago (He is still resting at home). The dogs in the forest were weary of them when they took turns to enter the forest to feed them. As day passes, the once fearful pack decided to drop their guard and started to look forward to seeing these angelic ladies who are slogging up the hill with their food and water everyday.
Creamy is one of them. He will wag his tail when he spot the ladies from far and started to run towards them with big wide smile. Its like seeing their mummy coming back home. Today started as a normal feeding until Adeline spotted him lying near his usual feeding spot. Adeline broke down, very badly. Her heart has long accepted these stray dogs as one of her own pets.
We have no idea what caused him to pass on. There were no wounds on his body and it was lying peacefully at one corner. Could it be snake bite, poison? He was still active the day before. We are clueless. We contacted Mobile Pet to cremate him.
Life of a stray animals is tough. At Purely Adoptions, we appreciate the hard work of stray feeders who religiously take care of the stray dogs and cats out there. We have a yearly food donation programme where we help to provide rice to stray feeders all over Singapore (https://purelyadoptions.com/stray-feeders-stories/). Ladies : Adeline, Jeannie, Irene and Karen, we are proud to have you as one of our volunteers at Purely Adoptions to help the voiceless animals out there. We are touched by your devotions to Uncle Heng forest animals despite having no prior experience in stray feeding. The passing of Creamy is a drastic news to everyone as we know how much time and efforts you have invested in them. We grow to love and care for them whenever we feed them. Do stay strong for the rest of them in the forest. They need us.
We will inform Uncle Heng on Creamy when the time is right.
Run free Creamy, we will take care of your friends in the forest.
