15 MAY 2020
I was alerted to their existence and the need to rescue them super late last night by @adelerluvstulips and after finalising fosters, the plan to rescue them kicked in. However, when we received the kittens this morning , we know that they are in deep trouble. They are not your typical active and playful kittens. They are literally lifeless
We rushed them to @oasisvetclinic but unfortunately Baby, passed away at the clinic. Further examinations were conducted by Dr Nair on sole survivor, Brave and we were all shocked that he has poop or foreign bodies stuck in his bloated tummy. It could be a result of eating rubbish such as soil/ sand or his tiny body is just too weak to process whatever food he had eaten to survive. This situation don't happen over night, it took at least 2 weeks for kitten to develop such bad condition.
This means they had been abandoned when they are only about 3 weeks young. Who will do something like this? Why can't you just sterilised the adult cats you had on hand? Domesticated cats cannot survive in the wild, let alone helpless kittens.
.Brave is currently on medications and recovery milk at the moment and we hope he can survive this traumatic experience he had and grow up healthy so that we can help him find a home. Please pray for him
We need your help so that we can continue to help the voiceless animals. With current COVID-19, our funds are limited. If you have a spare dollar, do consider donating to Brave.
You can donate to us via the following ways and do indicate BRAVE :
1. UOB Current A/C: 631-302-019-0
2. Using PayNow, the UEN is : 201431426WPA8

17 MAY 2020
We had gotten the sad news of Brave's passing. We are devastated but we know he is together with his sister now. They are both no longer in pain, and they are free from sufferings. Heaven deserved them more than we do. Even though we did not really have a chance to know them well, we are glad that they passed with people who cared and loved them. They didn't passed away in some drains like some garbage. They will always be a part of the @purelyadoptions family.
In any rescue cases we took on, it is extremely heartbreaking when they passed. They took a big piece of us with them when they crossed the rainbow bridge. Sometimes we do not recover from the heart ache, sometimes we just needed to take a break. But we know there are other helpless animals out there who needed each and everyone's help. We know we cannot saved all but we will try our best. .
If you see an animal in need, please step up and help. Sometimes AWGs or seasoned rescuers are in full capacity, there is no way any of them can take in. You are right there to help the helpless animals, do step up. If you don't try, you will never know that you can make a positive impact on their survival.
We will be posting the list of donors and the invoice once we received an updated lists. Please look out for it.

Thank you to all donors, we have collected $3,546. This will help to cover for Brave and Baby vet bills.
1 Liu Xi $30 2 Monchaya Mitpaibul $30 3 Isabella Lim Hui Jua $30 4 Muhammad Fizly B Noo $25 5 Ong Lay Chin $50 6 Brian n Sharyn $100 7 Jean Ang Bee Leng $300 8 Imanina Insyiran Bin $30 9 Sivaranjani d/o B Si $50 10 Helena Meliza Binte $100 11 Chew Tuan Koon $50 12 Goh Hui Ying $30 13 Nuraini Bte Kamsani $10 14 Loke Kai Xin $40 15 Koh Sock Kian $150 16 Shaik Reza Shand Bi $10 17 HA $30 18 Zuliana Binte Hussai $20 19 Mohamed Firdaus Bin $50 20 Syafiq Ally B Sa'ari $20 21 Lynn Ng $100 22 Lim Si Gin $21 23 Nur Amelia Bte Supah $50 24 Mohammad Hidayat Bin $20 25 Siti Airiana binte M $30 26 Kasmawati Binte Aman $10 27 Hamidah Bte Abdul Wa $50 28 Mardiana Bnte Ali $50 29 Wong Yew Hon $100 30 Diana Muszalifah Bte $20 31 Dzulkiflee Bin Zaina $30 32 Sabrin Yeong $50 33 Faieruz Bin Dollah $30 34 Nadzrah Bte Jantan $50 35 Pauline Ho $50 36 Marco Wee $20 37 Deverilin Lee $50 38 Ernie Julianna Bte M $50 39 Audrey $20 40 Tan Kian Huat $50 41 Chen Qing Lian Patrick $50 42 Zeenat Nisha d/o Abd $50 43 Ng Sock Hwa $50 44 Hamidah Binte Abdul $50 45 Nuraslina Binte Sula $30 46 Nurhafizah Binte Kam $2 47 Soh Yaw Jung Jack $50 48 Ong Wai Pin $88 49 Annoynamous $50 50 Penny Loh $50 51 Fung Yok Yee $100 52 Siti Noraisha $20 53 Chua Lee Ying $50 54 Lee Cheng Suan $40 55 Vanessa Chua Jia Yi $60 56 Chua Jia Hui Brigitte $50 57 Nur Afiqah Binte Mah $5 58 Sara 50 annoyamous $100 59 Afifatul Mardhiah B $10 60 Muhammad Farid Bin A $20 61 Nur Siswati Binte Ro $20 62 Jamilah Sukimi $20 63 Kather Tan $25 64 Yong Pagit $85 65 Lew Li Kian $200 66 Marc Neo $50 67 Vivienne Teoh $20 68 Choi Hui Ping $50 69. Chai Kok Hong $25 70. Adeler Goh $20 71. Malar $100