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Purely Adoptions was alerted of this emaciated black dog at Blk 469 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10. A lady named Gwen called for help when she found Bones waiting outside his owner's house.

Our team sprung into action to rescue this poor dog upon receiving the alert from Elise. Kelly quickly drove down to send him to Faith, who agreed to foster him. Adeline offered canned food and kibbles and Whye Mun also offered to foster as well. It was really a good team work and the rescue went really smoothly. We would also like to thank Fred Ong and Zoe for helping with the transportation.

Upon seeing him, we immediately decided to name this male dog, Bones. He was really skinny to the bones and we made a promise to ourselves to "fatten" him up while we look for a good family for him.

Bones's plight touches many hearts and his loyalty to his owner brought tears and sympathy to our volunteers and probably, to the public. His owner may stay in a 2 room flat but that did not matter. He still yearned to see his owner everyday. However, it is not possible to return Bones to his previous owner as he is behind bars now (reason unknown). We will find a new owner for him. He deserve a good family to love and care for him.

He ate heartily at Faith's place and they trimmed his nails and cleaned him up. He was found to be tick free and he rested well in an air conditioned room for the rest of the day.


Our volunteers Elise and Faith brought Bones (estimated 2-5yr, male), to the vet on 8 September 2017.

We were relieved to know that Bones's condition is not that sever as his fur does look good. We did a full blood test and Heartworm 4 in 1 test. The Complete Blood Count (CBC) is generally ok, and other than signs of poor nutrition and weak liver, he is fairly healthy. The utmost priority was thus, to fatten him up and send him for review 3 weeks later.

Bones has a very good nature and gets along well with another dog. He was probably loved by his previous owner and how he ended up outside his house is a mystery. You can read up more about Bones from the day he was rescued at

Bones's medical bill for his first visit to the vet stands at $412.15 and it was sponsored by a kind individual named Net Law. We do not know who this person is and hopes that he/she can see our post on Bones. Net Law, thank you for your kind donation to Bones's medical bill. It has definitely help to lessen our sum of hefty monthly medical bills.

Can we find a forever home for this Singapore Hachiko? I believe we will. If you like to adopt him, please contact 90018848 (Purely Adoptions). Please share this post so he can find a home soon. Thank you.


You are not going to believe this but Bones went for his trial homestay today!! It was a pleasant surprise and we are trying to contain our excitement.

We are trying to be levelheaded and remind ourselves that its just a trial homestay. Let's be COOL about it. We are not going to stress our potential adopter during this trial homestay. Let's take it easy and let nature take its course.

This trial homestay will be for 3 weeks, which is until Bones has to go for a review with Dr Kitty. Nothing is firmed until we have signed the Adoption Agreement with the potential Adopter. Ok, cool guys...we see how its goes...but we have to admit we are 101% ELATED!!

Thank you Whye Mun and Faith for fostering Bones for the last few days! Appreciates it!


Bones is doing very well, gaining weight and becoming more active. Potential Adopter even commented that he is becoming a poop monster as he eat so much and that he poo equally lot. All the best to u Bones!


Bones is no longer boney and is getting stronger and more active. Food motivated and getting a bit protective of his potential adopters. Its time the potential adopters need to be firm with him. Let's wait for his next medical for more updates. We are keeping our fingers crossed!

24 OCTOBER 2017

Bones, male, approx 3yr is ready for a new home. He has put on lots of weight since he was rescued. Fosterer Noel and Daphne did a great job in nursing Bones back to health. Bones is a playful and gentle boy. To adopt/know more about him, pls contact 90018848 (Purely Adoptions). Pls share the post so Bones can find his forever home soon.

Latest Updates

11 October 2017

Bones (the 'used to be' emaciated rescued dog) went for sterilisation today. Look at his happy face. He probably didn't even know why he was in the clinic!

2 October 2017

Bones went for his checkup today and he is doing very well. He put on 6kg and weighs 17.3kg. He received his first vaccination and is scheduled for sterilization in the next few weeks. Bones looked very happy during the visit too and he met Daisy, one of our other rescued pups at the clinic. Thank you Noel and Daphne for taking the time to bring Bones for his checkup!

14 January 2018

We have our 2nd adoption for year 2018! Bones has been formally adopted by Noel and Daphne! From the emaciated state that Bones was in, he sure changed a lot over the past four months. He has not only gained quite some bit of weight, but is also a really happy dog now. His life has changed the moment Noel offered to foster him and nurse him back to health. It seemed that Bones was destined to meet Noel & Daphne.

Thank you Noel & Daphne for coming forward to volunteer as our Fosterer when we were desperate to find someone to nurse Bones back to health. Your kindness and compassion meant a lot to us and we are so glad that you have decided to take care of him forever. We have seen how Bones grew to become so attached to the both of you and we sincerely believe that all of you are perfect matches for each other.

15 September 2018

We attended @bones_the_mongrel Birthday Party this evening. 1 year ago, we were notified of an emaciated dog found waiting outside a flat. He has been there for few days without food and water. Our team went down to rescue him and decided to name him Bones. You can read about his rescue tales at

1 year later, he is a very happy dog at Daddy Noel and Mummy Daphne's house. He is very pampered and has unlimited food, treats and toys. Today, he celebrated his first birthday and that was the day he went for his trial homestay. Thank you Noel and Daphne for the invitation. We are very happy to see Bones doing so well and happy. We are glad we found you and Daphne 🙂

3 March 2019

Remember Bone, the emaciated dog which we rescued in 2017 ( He is going to be the big brother soon and we loves how gently he lay on mummy's tummy. Congrats Noel and Daphne!

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Manja-ing the mumsie & the little hooman in her tummy

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