22 JANUARY 2020
We just took in a senior 12 yr old golden retriever Ah Wong. The owner has financial difficulties and unable to send Ah Wong to the Vet. She decided to give up the dog, hoping the next family can take good care of him. Ah Wong is very skinny and doesn't look well. We will bring him to our Vet to find out more and keep everyone posted. Ah Wong, you are safe with us now.

23 JANUARY 2020
Thank you to everyone's concern on Ah Wong. He is safe and pampered at Fosterer's place now. Glad to see him sleeping soundly on his bed. We will keep everyone posted on his progress after his Vet visit.

28 JANUARY 2020
We brought Ah Wong to the Vet today and did a blood test to have an overview of his health conditions. Glad to learn that his blood test results are good and he is tested negative for Heartworm and Tick Fever. He is tested negative for mites as well but we have not completely ruled out demodex mites. There’s obvious yeast infection going on and possible hip dysplasia. We will just treat his symptoms for the time being as he was having diarrhoea, vomiting and few days ago has some strain of blood in his pee. Overall, he should be able to recover anytime. A lovely boy who was smiling during his visit to the vet. Ah Wong was given up by his owner as she has financial difficulties and unable to bring Ah Wong to the Vet. If you like to help out with Ah Wong’s medical fee, you can donate to us (Indicate “Ah Wong”) via the following ways:
1. UOB Current A/C: 631-302-019-0
2. Using PayNow, the UEN is : 201431426WPA8
3. Write a cheque to "Purely Adoptions Limited" and post to : PO Box 236, Thomson Rd Post Office S915708.
If you know someone who like to adopt Ah Wong, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585. Ah Wong is 12 years old golden retriever and he deserves a second chance.
Pls help to share the post. Thank you.

Ah Wong, the senior GR has been putting on some weight from the day we took him in. Glad to see his tremendous progress. It might take some time to heal his skin issue but we will do our best. Ah Wong, you are going to be fine.
If you like to give Ah Wong a second chance, pls contact@purelywoof 90709585. He is a sweet Golden Retriever who deserves a good home. Pls share the post. Thank you.

18 FEBRUARY 2020
Updates on Ah Wong, the senior Golden Retriever which was given up by previous owner. Ah Wong is doing well at fosterer's house. He has put on weight and his fur are growing. We also spotted him smiling 😊.
We will find a good home for him. He is good with other dogs. For those who are interested to adopt this gentle boy, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585. Pls share the post. Thank you.

26 MARCH 2020
Remember sometime back we took in a senior golden retriever with bad skin issue. He is getting better, put on more weight and he seems to be smiling more often 😄 All thanks to fosterer Angelina's attentive care. Ah Wong is up for adoption. To adopt him, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585. Pls share the post. Thank you.

16 APRIL 2020
Can you imagine Ah Wong, the senior Golden Retriever went for trial homestay?! So happy he has a chance to find a very good home despite his age and conditions. Potential adopter is a genuine dog lover who's heart always goes to those neglected, least noticed dogs. She has another Goldie at home and let us hope both dogs can get along well. Fingers crossed.

23 MAY 2020
We have good news for everyone. Ah Wong (renamed Momo), the senior Golden Retriever found his forever home. His new mummy is the Principal Canine Hydrotherapist (lady boss) of Canine Wellness & Rehab Centre Lynn.
For those who know Lynn personally will know she's an avid dog lover and always there for any needy dogs. She has fostered puppies we rescued from the forest and the emaciated dog Hope found outside the flat. When Lynn saw our post on Momo who is a senior dog with bad skin issue, she called us to have a trial homestay. She knows it will be hard for Momo to find a home. The trial homestay went well. Magnum, her own Golden Retriever loves Momo's company and the 2 dogs are inseperable . Under Lynn's tender loving care, Momo'a fur starts to grow and his skin tone got lighter. Momo is really lucky to have met Lynn. He gets to eat home cooked food everyday and sleep in aircon room. What can we say about this wonderful lady? She's godsent to help the needy dogs 😊 Thank you Lynn for being such an angel. We like to thank all the donors who donate to Momo's medical fee and fosterers who helped to take care of Momo. You can read more on Momo's rescue case here : https://purelyadoptions.com/rescue_tales/2020-ah-wong-2/
We like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.
@Silverskypets - Free premium Wellness Kibbles @Silverskypets - Free premium Naturediet @roots_technologies_sg - Free premium brand Toy @noelwhiskylifestyle - Free Gift and up to 30% off and special deals for Purely Adoptions Adopters only) @petsmagazinesg - Free leading monthly Pet Magazine in Singapore @Pettobow - Premium Pet Bow Tie @pawsolutionsg - Discounted home dog grooming @waterventure - collapsible bowl
@supernovasgshanice - Discounted Training Session @ezekielong - Discounted Animal Communication Session @forfurryfriends.sg - Free bottle of P.A.W.S @machopawz - Discounted in house dog grooming @ai wei-Free Bandana

Ah Wong, the senior Golden Retriever is having a swim today. Good to see him enjoying life now 😊

26 MARCH 2020
This is the video of Ah Wong. You can see he is smiling and really happy. We are happy too. Ah Wong is up for adoption. To adopt him, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585. Pls share the post. Thank you.