Two years young Mango graduated from foster care today & went home to her furrever Pawrent! Confident Mango made herself right at home and chose the best seat in her house to settle in!
Sweet Mango, suspected to be abandoned, was rescued from a drain late last year. Mango displayed her love for hoomans when her rescuer fed her on Day 1!
Meowy Jasmine & Daddy Ben came down to Pets & Planst Extravaganza adoption Drive on 17 Feb 2024 to specifically meet Mango. A nose rub & a quick hug was all it takes for Meowmy Jasmine to fall in love with this Ginger Girl! Thank Mew Jasmine & Ben for choosing Mango to be part of your family & for already pampering her with her favourites! Thank Mew for making Mango so comfortable in your home & for allowing her to choose her own space from Day 1!
Thank you @mazzienaz for fostering and nurturing little Mango. She has thus found a safe haven where she can heal and grow stronger every day. Maz’s dedication to fostering Mango’s emotional well-being is truly inspiring, and it serves as a reminder of the profound impact we can have on each other’s lives when we choose to show empathy and understanding.
We would like to express our gratitude once again to our generous sponsors for supporting our adoption program : @silverskypets @zealpetfood @amberartgallerysg @petmagazinesg @wsnandfriends