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Aces is adopted! Congratulations to Roy and Wendy...again! 🤩

From papa Roy:

When the Senoko pups were first up for adoption, we wondered whether it made sense for @favienfeather to have a bro/sis for company.

Some research suggested a 2nd dog should only be considered when the elder dog has matured (1 year or more). We were also concerned that this was too soon (we had just adopted @favienfeather for 2 months) and whether we would be able to cope with the additional time, energy and effort needed to care for another little one. We then decided to shelve the idea.

As fate would have it, we took up the opportunity to foster one of the pups. This enabled us to see how it would be like to care for 2 puppies.

After one week, we thought about it long & hard but it became clear to us that we just had to add Aces to our family. Favien’s & Aces’s personalities complement each other – one is caring & cautious, the other adventurous & carefree. One is better with hoomans whilst the other makes friends easily with other doggos.

Thank you very much Irene for again granting us the privilege to have another furkid! #Purelywoof rocks like no other AWG in 🇸🇬! 🥰

Favien and Aces send their 💕 to their same foster pawrents Agnes & KY & Shadow gor gor! (Now Shadow_furbaby has 2 didis!)

We would like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our cause.


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