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21 NOVEMBER 2019


Dear friends, thank you for your concern over Gino. He was caught by AVS, hence his disappearance for the past few days. Construction workers also did not inform me that dog catchers came for him.

Gino was bailed out by Estella & Patrick of Purely Adoptions on 18 November, Monday. We brought him to a groomer’s, intending to give him a nice shower to freshen up before sending to fosterer’s place. Unexpectedly, the first groomer & I were unable to handle him and had to send him to a second groomer, who managed to do the job.

I would also like to thank my good friend, Hazel, for agreeing to foster Gino (even though it didn’t work out eventually).

Over at Hazel’s home, Gino did not allow her to be near him or bring him out for walks. I had to go over twice a day in the afternoon and after my night feeding to walk him. He also did not seem to get along well with Hazel’s dog.

All in all, Gino takes time to warm up to people and we have decided for the safety of everyone at home, that we bring him out of Hazel’s place.

Thanks again to Estella & Patrick for finding Gino a kennel spot on short notice. I am pleased to report that he has settled down nicely in the kennel. Until I can find Gino a suitable fosterer for him, I am appealing for donations to help chip in for his $500/month boarding fees.


Thank u for your kind donations. You can donate Purely Adoption via the following ways:

1. UOB Current A/C: 631-302-019-0

2. Using PayNow, the UEN is : 201431426WPA8

3. Write a cheque to "Purely Adoptions Limited" and post to : PO Box 236, Thomson Rd Post Office S915708.

18 FEBRUARY 2020

This is Gino, the stray dog which was waiting patiently for stray feeder Mei Mei at the construction site everyday before he was removed by AVS. We took in Gino last November 2019 after bailing him out from AVS. Since then, he has been wary of people, angry and confused. Few months have passed and he still has a bit of food agression and fear for people. We are giving him space and time at our boarding kennel. He seems to be home dog previously as he knows basic commands and we have no ideo how he ended at construction site.

Gino is not ready for adoption yet unless the potential adopter knows how to handle a fearful dog. For those who has been following his story, we like to inform you that he is in good hands. We will let him settle down and trust human again. We can wait.

Dear Gino, take your time. We will be here for you.


All rescued animals have their own stories. Some are fearful, some are aggressive. We believe there’s always a reason why they behave in that way. We have 1 “aggressive” dog , Gino in our kennel which we took in 1 year ago ( For the past 1 year, he is wary of people and loathe visitor. He will snarl and turn extremely defensive when we stand outside his kennel. There is no way anyone can touch him except his care giver. We know that is not his fault to behave in this way. We are not giving up on him. Our kennel boarding manager Wong Ling feel pity for him, our Vet Dr Liang hope he can overcome his fear soon and we know we need to help this poor boy. Today, we managed to arrange a castration with Dr Liang for him, have his nails trimmed and teeth polished. It’s a big step for Gino and we hope we can slowly rehab him, at his own pace to trust human again.

Some dogs need more time to rehab. We understand and we will wait for them. We hope we can witness another successful story like Eros who was once ‘aggressive’, waited 5 years in Kennel and now happily adopted ( No dogs are born to be aggressive. They just need time to learn how to cohabit with human.

Gino, we will do all we can to let you shed your fear and learn to love again

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