24 JUNE 2019
Our 15 years old Gigi is still trying to find her furever home! If your home is filled with lots of love, it would be great for you to share some with her! Good temperament, calm and also good with kids!
To adopt me, pls contact 90018848 (Irene)

2 JULY 2019
Gigi, a senior JRT is still looking for a home. A very sweet and calm girl, she does not look like 15year old as what the owner claim and her microchip seem to reflect she is 11yr old. We suspect she could be deaf as she is not startled by loud sound. Good with other dogs and ideal pet for young children and senior citizen. However she is not toliet trained. If you like to give her a forever home, pls contact 90018848 (PurelyWoof). Pls share the post.
*P.s: The lovely boy beside Gigi in the photo is Sleepy. He is up for adoption as well. At the moment, he is loving every moments being a foster daddy to Gigi although he is younger than her 🙂 Sleepy is 1 yr old. To adopt Sleepy, pls contact 90018848 (PurelyWoof). Thank you.

6 JUNE 2019
We are still looking for fosterer/adopter for Gigi. If you like to foster/adopt, pls contact 90018848 (PurelyWoof). Pls share the post. Thank you.

22 JULY 2019
GIGI , Female •
A little too old to attend such a Long day of event 😪 but I did enjoyed myself 😌 #petstreetgang .
To know more about me, check out the story highlights!
To adopt me, pls contact 90709585 (Irene)

8 OCTOBER 2019
15 yr old Gigi needs a foster or forever home. She looks good for her age, very active and loves to go for walk. Good with kids and selective with other dogs. We suspect she is a bit deaf and she tend to step on her pee and poo. Will be ideal in a family that has someone at home. If you can foster her, pls contact our fostering team PurelyFoster 87523980 or PurelyWoof 90709585

21 OCTOBER 2019
We managed to find a really nice foster family for Gigi, the senior 15yr old JRT. Loves the way Gigi play with the fosterer’s son. We can see she’s really happy there. Gigi was given up by her elderly owner when she is unable to cope. Since then, Gigi has been moving to different foster home as she is not toilet trained and tend to bark at night. We suspect she has a bit of dementia. Now we have settled Gigi in the foster home and we hope the right family will come along. If you like to adopt Gigi, pls contact PurelyWoof at 90709585. Pls share the post. Thank you.
27 OCTOBER 2019
Gigi went for a swim today. At the age of 15, Gigi is still healthy and active. She is still looking for a home, if you like to adopt her, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585.
Kudos to Fosterer Juvenia for arranging the outing for Gigi 😊Fosterers play an important role in training & socialising our rescued animals. If you like to be part of our fostering team (Dogs & Cats), pls contact PurelyFoster 87523980. We still many dogs and cats looking for foster home. Pls share the post. Thank you.
It has been quite sometime since we last post on Gigi, the senior JRT. This sweet girl is still available. If you like to adopt her, pls contact @purelywoof 90709585. Pls share the post. Thank you.

23 FEBRUARY 2020
Gigi went for emergency surgery today after she developed high fever and spotted with yellow coloured discharge. Gigi has Pyometra which is an infection of the uterus (womb) that is commonly found on female dogs that have not been spayed. Gigi was given up to us at the age of 15 and we have been trying our best to find a home for her. As she is not toilet trained and being a senior dog, there have been not much luck for the past few months. Fosterer Juvenia has been taking good care of Gigi, hoping a good family will turn up. Since yesterday, Gigi became very lethargic. Apart from that, Juvenia found pus coming from her vulva and has high fever, she knows she has to rush Gigi to the vet. Pyometra can be life threatening if it’s not treated immediately as she could be overwhelmed by the uncontrolled inflammatory process. We decided to go ahead with the operation as soon as possible despite her age (after checking her blood work which looks ok). Gigi has woke up from surgery and we will keep a close watch on her for the next few days which are very critical (especially for her age). Fingers crossed.
We like to emphasis the importance of neutering your pets when they are young. It’s good for them as it’s helps your pets to live longer and eliminate a number of health problems. Younger pets will have better chance to recover faster. Poor Gigi has to suffer at this age as her previous owner didn’t sterilised her earlier. We just hope the best for Gigi and Will keep everyone posted.

Gigi looks stable today. Her appetite was not great but at least she eat abit. Sad to see her trembling when she struggled to have her breakfast. We will continue to monitor her. Get well soon Gigi.
24 FEBRUARY 2020
We have discharged Gigi to fosterer's house. She looks slightly better, ready for a big smile when she see familiar faces. Appetite has not improved much but she is alert and stable. Poor Gigi looks so tired and we can't wait to bring her back to her comfy bed at fosterer's place. She is safe with PurelyAdoptions. At the age of 15, we are not sure if we can find anyone who will accept her but no matter what happened, she will have many daddies and mummies at PurelyAdoptions loving and caring for her.

26 FEBRUARY 2020
Have you seen any dog who loves her bed so much? This is Gigi, back at fosterer's house after her emergency operation. She looks very comfortable back home, no more shivering and her wound is healing well. That's a good news. Keep it up Gigi 😀

22 JULY 2020
Posted @withregram • @purelywoof Received a parcel from Gigi foster mummy Juvenia today. In it are the remaining kibbles that Gigi is allergic to and some face masks for our volunteers. And an update on our 15yo Gigi : health wise is good but her cataract is getting worse and is now deaf and blind. The good thing is that she can still eat, bark, bite, pee and poop like a normal dog. However, she needs to be guided to eat and drink else she will take forever to get to them 😆 as in the picture of her, napping is now her favourite pastime. Can't thank you enough Juvenia to have taken care of Gigi so well. You are indeed a loving wonderful Foster Mummy! 🤩😘💪

Gigi is not well again. Gigi is 16 year old JRT which we took in last year (https://purelyadoptions.com/rescue_tales/2019-gigi/). It’s heart pain to see our rescued animals not well. Gigi went for emergency surgery early this year after she developed high fever and spotted with yellow coloured discharge. She was diagnosed with Pyometra and we have her treated immediately. The day before, she was found to have warm lump on her stomach and we sent her to Vet. Due to her age, it will be risky to operate on her and we were given some medicine to lessen her discomfort and monitor for next few days. Gigi was diagnosed with Mammary Tumor which could be resulted from not getting spayed at young age. Similarly to why she has Pyometra in the first place. We like to emphasize the importance of sterilising your pets when they are still young.
Some of our rescued animals never have a chance to find a home. It’s ok. We will do our best to make them as comfortable as possible under our care. Once they are part of PurelyAdoptions, they will always be PurelyAdoptions furkids, whether they have been adopted or not.
Get well soon Gigi

2 MARCH 2021
Memories of Gigi who crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. Yes she has indeed touches the heart of the people she met at PurelyAdoptions. Thank you Wendy and family for fostering Gigi at the early stage when we took her in. She was a pampered princess then.
Posted @withregram • @teddy_lovehates_milky So sad to hear that Gigi has passed over to the rainbow Bridge on 2 March 2021. Our family was blessed to have fostered Gigi for the first few months when she was in the Foster care under @purelyadoptions. Even though she was 15, she has never let her age defined who she was. She was constantly walking around the house, constantly looking out for us and even ready to get her own milk.
Gigi have always been a playmate for Ted and even taught him how to play with his toys.
Thank you Gigi for being Ted's friend for the few months with us!
You will always be in our hearts free from pain. Run free!

2 MARCH 2021
We lost Gigi today. 17yr old Gigi has been diagnosed with mast cell tumor few months ago. Today we received a message saying Gigi is in great pain and her tumor is getting aggressive. Her usual pain killer is no longer effective. With a heavy heart, we have no choice but to let her go. Gigi (https://purelyadoptions.com/rescue_tales/2019-gigi/ ) was given up at the age of 15 and we have been trying to find a home for her since then. She is a popular girl at our adoption drives and much loved by our volunteers. We can’t thank Fosterer Juvenia and family enough for taking good care of Gigi despite her being not toilet trained, dementia and need medical care.
Juvenia, Gigi is very blessed to have met you and your family. She is very pampered at home and we know she lived a good life. RIP our dear Gigi, you are now free from any pain. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge.
“It is with heavy heart to inform that Gigi has crossed the rainbow bridge today. Gigi has been a strong fighter and always emerges stronger each time she goes through a crisis. However, this time it was unfortunate. She has been battling with mast cell tumour since Nov-2020 and this nasty illness has exhausted her thoroughly.
We were humbled to be able to foster Gigi since Oct-2019 and to be able to walk with her to the end of the road. It is also consoling to know that she is able to run freely with no more pains.
Thank you for being part of our lives and you will be greatly missed..” - Fosterer Juvenia
