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170528 Pets’ @ Coast 2017 (28 May)

Venue:Blk 303 Punggol Central Multi Purpose Hall Date:28 May 2017 Time:10am to 2pm

Purely Adoptions was at 303 Punggol Central for an adoption drive. Organized by Punggol Vista CC YEC and Coral Tree RC, the objective of this adoption drive was to bring the residents closer together through fun filled activities.

Special thanks to Adeline Kwong, Jonathan, Siew Ching and Francis Lee for helping out at the Adoptions booth. This event has been very fruitful and encouraging as we not only received several inquiries on the puppies but also met up with our adopters and their paw kids - Wilson and Anuar with Clefiary; Kathy and hubby with Panda.

Thank you Pasir Ris Punggol GRC for inviting us to this event in which we could share bout the puppies and raise awareness of the stray dogs and their plight. Definitely another step closer to providing a home for every dog! Good teamwork everyone!


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