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Purely Adoptions is celebrating the 11th year of our Easter Fundraiser for stray feeders! 


We support 12 stray dog feeders and 5 stray cat feeders and hope to raise $30,000 to continue our support for them and the vulnerable strays they care for! Funds raised will go towards defraying the cost of feeding these strays for the entire year, freeing up resources for these stray feeders to allocate towards other essentials and vet care.


For many years, these stray feeders have been feeding their stray charges daily, 7 days a week, rain or shine. Some of these strays were abandoned while others were displaced when factories shut down and forests were cleared. Some had never even known shelter and were born on the harsh streets.


Without their feeders, these strays will be left to go hungry, fall ill and suffer under nature's elements. Some get knocked down by traffic in their search for more food. Stray feeders don't just feed these animals, they also check on them and seek medical treatment when the animals fall ill or are injured. They also befriend them and enable programs such as the Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM) a science-based and humane method to reduce the stray population in Singapore versus the traditional culling of animals.


We also have a waiting list of feeders eager to join our program. With your generous support, we can expand our reach and help even more feeders and strays to keep their bellies full!


Check out our videos below featuring some of the stray feeders we support in our program!

To contribute to Purely Adoptions
Stray Feeders' Easter Fundraiser 2024

Pls indicate "PA EASTER 24" under the reference number so we know your donation is for this fundraiser!

Paynow or PayLah!: 

UEN 202123474H


Bank Transfer: 

UOB Current A/C: 374-322-623-0


Cheque:  Payable to “Purely Adopts SG Limited“ and post to: PO Box 236, Thomson Road Post Office S915708




Please SMS to +65 9001 8848 or EMAIL your Name, Contact Number, Email, Amount Donated so we can send you a receipt and also feature you on our site as a Thank you!



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Our Tireless Heroes: Karen

Our Tireless Heroes: Auntie Crystal

Our Tireless Heroes: Prabha

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